Saturday, November 7, 2009

Virtual Treeline - Welcome

Virtual Waterfalls and Vegetation

TreeLine is an initiative of Caloundra Regional Art Gallery on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. The project is a challenging, interdisciplinary and interactive art/science/community event that will highlight the impact of our lifestyle choices on our ability to sustain a healthy planet. It involves visual and new media arts, theatre, dance, music, sculpture and storytelling.Through a celebration of significant trees, participants will raise awareness of local and global issues, and encourage environmental action through art.

Virtual Treeline brings the treeline project to cyberspace and provides the base to develop an on-line community of interest around the project. The major focus will be the creation of artworks and environmental installations within virtual worlds such as Second Life and Open Sim, but the virtual project will also have a presence in Facebook and Twitter, and have a bank of images available in Flickr.

Juanita Deharo's major project as part of Virtual Treeline will be shown at The Caloundra Regional Gallery and other venues in April/May 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Since 2009 this blog has grown to encompass a wider interest in trees and eco-art. The 2012 Treeline project will bring the virtual into the real world as I work with children at local schools.
